Hi! I’m Dr. Becky Wooster, PT, DPT

I've been a physical therapist for 16 years and am mom to 3 beautiful and active kids. I know how hard it can be to prioritize yourself. I know how busy life is with kids. I know how much our bodies go through during pregnancy and delivery. And it drives me crazy how much misinformation is on the internet.

That's why I created CORE+ Healing Diastasis Rectus with the busy mom in mind. Each video is just 10 minutes - you can give yourself 10 minutes per day to better yourself for your family! Providing you with a safe and effective scientifically backed program designed by a physical therapist was essential for me. Every woman should have an accurate understanding of her body and it's functions postpartum so that she can rehabilitate herself.

You'll find all that and more with

Core+ Healing Diastasis Rectus Abdominals.